The Underdogs
Over the years I spent a number of hours, days and weeks working with local rescue groups to rehabilitate and re-home unwanted dogs from all over our state.
Being involved in rescue is one of the hardest things to do emotionally and will take a toll on you but it's worth every minute.
I wanted to find a way to help bring awareness and much needed funds to these volunteer run rescue charities all over Australia.
The only thing i love more than dogs is coffee so it made sense to combine the two together and Underdog was born.
Our goal for the brand is to bring as much awareness to not only these animals in need and the people saving them but the bigger issues that we face trying to end the ten's of thousands of unnecessary euthanasia in our pounds every year.
We will do this by donating profits (and all the coffee they can drink) to help support these groups with food, vet bills and anything else they need to help save more lives and find that happy ever after.
Jesse Reinhard - Founder

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